Church Leadership

Paula Bennet
Paula became involved in Solid Rock in 2000, at the invitation of a friend, and found exactly what she had been looking for in a church and church family. She describes Solid Rock as “a bible-based church where the family is very supportive of each other in true Christian fellowship.”
As Treasurer, Paula is responsible for the receipt and disbursement of all funds as approved by the Local Church Conference, and she reports monthly to the Local Board of Administration on those transactions. Paula adds, “Since my daily career revolves around the same type of functions, I find this to be a way I can use the talents God has given me to assist in the running of Solid Rock Wesleyan.”
Solid Rock Wesleyan Church is able to receive donations by e-mail. If you wish to send an offering or donation by this method please send it to In your e-mail please make sure that you have included your address for receipting purposes and the answer, if not obvious, to the security question you have chosen.

David Barlett
Vice-Chair of the Local Board of Administration
David was one of the founding members of Solid Rock Wesleyan. He says, “In the late nineteen-nineties I felt God calling me to get back to my Methodist roots. Early in 2000 a small group of us had a meeting with the Atlantic District Superintendent of the Wesleyan Church and agreed to form what would be known as Solid Rock Wesleyan Church. At that time I committed to do my part in the Lord’s work and it has been my joy to do so.”
In The Wesleyan system of Church government the Pastor serves as Chairman of both the Local Church Conference and the Local Board of Administration. The Vice-Chair, therefore, takes on an important role in leading the congregation in matters pertaining to Pastoral tenure and remuneration; in chairing meetings when the Pastor is away; and in serving as an advisor and confidante for the Pastor.